Blank News Interview with Eric Krasno: Bonnaroo Superjam Curator/Soulive/Lettuce

Eric Krasno is not a name you may associate with Bonnaroo. In fact, you may not know his name at all.

Besides curating/performing in this year’s Superjam and performing with Lettuce, Krasno also has his hands in albums from Bonnaroo performers Allen Stone, The London Souls, and Lawrence. He has been involved with curating four Superjams at Bonnaroo, and performed in the festival’s inaugural year.

“It’s been incredible”, says Krasno. “Bonnaroo is a huge thing for me. I get to do it so often. Throughout all of the Superjams, I’ve had the opportunity to meet so many great musicians and players that I’ve ended up collaborating with. It’s a huge part of my musical past.”

Krasno is no stranger to working with different musicians, and creating friendships with them that have influenced his career.

“I had done a collaborative event in New Orleans with Paul Peck, the organizer of Superjam. Him and I became good friends and we got into a good rhythm of working on these things. Over the years, I got used to the rhythm of how that works, putting people together, communicating with people, and putting together setlists. He just kept putting me in there and I’ve always been like “Alright, coach! Let’s go!”. It’s been great and I feel blessed to do it.”

It takes a special appreciation and respect of different genres and musical styles to be able to organize some of the truly unique Superjams that Bonnaroo has provided over the years, which Krasno believes is necessary when curating.

“That’s the big thing,” he says. “Being able to understand, put on different shoes, and bounce between genres. I am a fan of music generally. I like so many different styles of music and I’ve collaborated with many different styles of musicians. It’s a blessing to do that. I grew up on so many different influences, and I’ve tried to absorb that as much as I can and feed that into my own music.”

He recently finished producing Aaron Neville’s new album, Apache, which is out in July. He says working with Neville on this album was a “dream come true”.

“It was a very in depth process to work with him and I’m a huge fan of his,” says Krasno.

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